
I would like to acknowledge many valuable historical resources, from which the Snowden-Warfield family history website has been enriched. The family is indebted to the following individuals whose prior work has provided important information of a historical nature.

Much of the genealogical information entered into "Family Tree" was taken from the excellent, up-to-date, genealogical compendium, entitled "Descendants of Charles Dorsey Warfield", by Clinton Macsherry. For many years Clinton has kept the complete historical details of this family branch in a form that may be enjoyed by all family members.

J. D. Warfield, A.M. provided the first detailed history through his book entitled, "Founders of Anne Arundel and Howard Counties , Maryland , a Genealogical and Biographical Review from Wills, Deeds and Church Records", originally published by the Clearfield Company in 1905 and reprinted by the Genealogical Publishing Company, Inc., Baltimore , Maryland , in 1991. Library of Congress Catalogue Card Number 67-28099. International Standard Book Number 0-8063-7971-5.

William Grover Cook, of Laurel , Maryland , has provided an extensive review of history focused on the Snowden family in his book entitled "Montpelier & The Snowden Family" printed privately in 1976. This is an excellent, detailed compendium on the Snowdens of Maryland and related subjects, including details on Montpelier Mansion and individual biographies on one hundred and fifty-four members of the Snowden family. Selected excerpts have been used from William Cook's book and acknowledged.

Celia M. Holland privately published a book entitled, "Old Homes and Families of Howard County, Maryland" in 1987. This book includes detailed descriptions of numerous ancestral homes built by Maryland families, including the Warfields, as well as interesting stories on the early inhabitants of these homes. Selected excerpts have been used from Celia Holland's book and acknowledged.

Richard T. Foose provided important information on the origins of Richard Warfield in England through two articles published in the Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin in 1991 and 1992. Selected excerpts have been used from Mr. Foose's articles and acknowledged.

The "Brief History of Montpelier" was compiled and written by David H. Buswell of Prince George 's County Historic Society. This "gem" on Montpelier Mansion history is a delight to read.

Richard Hook provided a detailed listing of information culled from headstones in the Longwood and Bushy Park cemeteries. Richard's dedicated service on the Warfield Family Cemetery Committee and his intense interest in family history is much appreciated.

Special thanks are due to Jean Warfield Keenan, who has supported and initiated much of the efforts to uncover valuable family heirlooms and stories over the past 50 years.

Jim Bebermeyer, son of Helen Warfield Burgess, provided valuable information on the history of Snowden and Warfield family members in the Civil War.

Richard Warfield Faber, of San Capistrano, CA, has conducted an extensive review of descendants in the Warfield family, constructed his own genealogical website ( and alerted our attention to important individuals who were previously unknown as family members, including (i) F. Scott Fitzgerald, the beloved writer, (ii) Paul Warfield Tibbets, the pilot of the Enola Gay, and (iii) The "Ring of Truth", a gripping story of a Warfield descendant, published in the Reader's Digest. Since attending the Snowden Reunion in 2000 Rich Faber has become closely attached to Warfield and Snowden descendants in Maryland .

Richard Snowden Samuels, a well known journalist in Chicago , has written a detailed account of Snowden and Warfield descendants in the California Gold Rush as part of his website ( Selected excerpts have been used from Mr. Samuel's story and acknowledged.

Patriot's Corner was, in part, inspired by "The Pocket Book of Patriotism", authored by Jonathan Foreman and published by the Sterling Company in 2005. ISBN: 1-4027-2990-1.

Thanks go to many other people who have helped to realize Living History, past and present, related to the many ancestral families who settled initially in the vicinity of Annapolis and expanded into homesteading areas which later became the State of Maryland .

I would also like to thank Bobby Coffman , a recent graduate of the University of San Diego, who worked diligently with me to design the Snowden-Warfield Family History Website, so that family descendants scattered across America and the World may enjoy the history and stories of two of America 's most important families.

Dr. George A. Scheele
Snowden-Warfield Website Author
December, 2005


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©2005 George A. Scheele MD